Table of Contents |
Exploring and applying for Availability
Viewing Availability Using Filters
Viewing Availability Using Search
Viewing Availability Using Map
Viewing Availability Using List of Opportunities
Viewing and Tracking All the Requests
Viewing and Editing Slot Requests
Sending messages to Sites and Students
Enabled in-app Notifications from Browser
Exxat One Overview
Exxat One is a collaborative network designed to connect sites, schools, and students (coming soon!). This platform enables schools and students to discover and apply for internships offered by sites, creating a streamlined process for all parties involved.
Our vision is to provide schools and students with greater access to internship opportunities, while helping sites find the right candidates. It’s a win-win for everyone in the network.
It comprises of 5 Steps as listed below,
Step 1 - Explore & Apply for Availability.
Step 2 - View and Track all Requests. (For Example:Checking progress on them, Communication with Site etc)
Step 3 - Scheduling Students (Once the placements have been approved by Sites)
Step 4 - Confirming Students
Step 5 - Managing their Onboarding Requirements
Exploring and applying for Availability
On the Explore & Apply for Availability page, you’ll learn how to identify and apply for opportunities that align with your program.
First, we’ll guide you through exploring available opportunities on Exxat One. Once you’ve identified an opportunity of interest, you’ll learn how to apply by creating a request for slots. This section also covers how to communicate effectively with the site regarding the requests you’ve submitted, ensuring a smooth and collaborative process.
Viewing Availability Using Filters
This page comprises of the following components that will help you explore the availabilities:
- Site - Indicates the different sites that have hosted their availabilities on the platform.
- Discipline(s) and Specialization(s) - Indicates the discipline(s)-specialization(s) of students the site wants to accept for an availability, example: IP-Cardiopulmonary-PTA, IP-Home Health-PTA, etc.
- State - Indicates the state(s) of location(s) where the availability will be taking place. You can explore opportunities for a specific state.
- Program - Indicates the program(s) for which the availability has been published by sites.
- Experience type – Indicates the experience type of availabilities, that is whether an Individual or a Group Opportunity.
- Nearby Availability - With this filter, you can now search for availability based on zip codes. There will be two options in this filter:
- Nearby School - You can provide the distance from your school (in miles), and you will be able to view availability within the given radius.
- Availability in selected Zip code - Enter a zip code, and you will be able to view availability in the given zip code.
- All Filters – Under all filter we have 3 filters
Start date –
- This filter is also located within the "All filters" menu. Indicates when the availability will be starting. You can filter the availabilities that start on or before the selected start date.
End date –
- This filter is also located within the "All filters" menu. Indicates when the availability will be ending. You can filter the availabilities that end on or after the selected end date.
- When both Start date and End date filters are applied, availabilities starting on or before the selected start date and ending on or after the selected end date are displayed.
Due date –
- This filter is within the “All filters” button. Indicates by when the site is expecting the schools to submit their requests.
Start date –
- You also get a clear filter option to remove all the filters.
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Viewing Availability Using Search
This functionality helps you search for availabilities by Location name.
Viewing Availability Using Map
The map provides an interactive way to explore available opportunities. By default, it displays availabilities published by sites within a 50-mile radius of your school’s current location.
Each pin on the map represents a location where opportunities are available. At the top, a banner highlights the total number of opportunities across all locations visible within the current map view.
Zoom out on the Map
You can zoom out on the map to explore opportunities beyond the default 50-mile radius. As you zoom out, individual pins may be grouped into clusters, displaying the aggregate number of internships based on your zoom level.
The banner at the top of the map dynamically updates as you zoom out, reflecting the increased number of opportunities and locations visible within the expanded map view.
Zooming in on the Map
You can zoom in on the map to refine your search to a specific state, city, or location. As you zoom in, clusters will break down into individual pins representing specific opportunities.
The banner at the top of the map updates dynamically, reflecting the reduced number of opportunities and locations visible in the narrowed map view.
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Viewing Availability Using List of Opportunities
On the left side of the screen, you’ll find a dynamic list of opportunities that updates in real time as you interact with the map. This ensures the list is always synchronized with the map, whether you zoom in or out.
Each item on the list includes the following attributes of the availability:
- Site Name – The site that has published the availability.
- Discipline and Specialization – The disciplines and specializations the site is looking for (e.g., PT, PA, Nursing, OT).
- Availability Duration – The start and end dates of the availability.
- Location – The location(s) where the availability will take place.
- Program – The student program(s) for which the availability is designed.
- Due Date Indicator – Highlights if the due date for submitting slot requests is approaching or overdue.
- Handshake Icon – Indicates whether the site is a program partner.
- Green Tick Icon – Shows if you have previously applied for this availability.
- Person(s) Icon – Specifies if the opportunity is for an individual or group experience.
- Bookmark Icon – A clickable feature to bookmark availabilities, which will then appear under the Saved tab.
Note: Availabilities displayed within the "All Opportunities" list are arranged alphabetically based on site name.
If an opportunity is associated with multiple disciplines or specializations, a “View All” hyperlink will appear. Clicking this link will open a panel displaying the complete list of disciplines and specializations in detail.
If an opportunity is linked to multiple locations, a “View All Locations” hyperlink will be displayed. Clicking this link will open a panel with a detailed list of locations and their addresses.
Note: If a site does not agree to pay for the confirmed schedules of your students, a “Payment Required” tag will appear on the availability cards in the left-hand list view, as well as in the detailed view on the right-hand side for the availabilities published by that site.
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Creating New Requests
- Follow these steps to create a request:
- Click on the Availability – Select an availability from the list.
View Detailed Information – A panel will open as an overlay next to the list of opportunities and the map. In this panel, you can view additional details provided by the site, including:
- Student year (e.g., 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th), shift timings, and days of the week when the availability is scheduled.
- Unit name and description.
- Availability details, eligibility criteria, and onboarding requirements.
Decide to Create a Request – Based on the information provided, decide whether to proceed with creating a request for slots.
- For availabilities with a single location, you can hover over the location to view its address.
- For availabilities with multiple locations, click on the counter next to the location label to open a detailed drawer view displaying the list of addresses for all locations.
- For availabilities associated with a single discipline, click the right arrow next to the discipline name to open a drawer displaying the detailed list of specializations under that discipline.
- For availabilities with multiple disciplines, click the “Show More” hyperlink next to the discipline name to view a detailed drawer with the complete list of disciplines and their associated specializations.
- To create a request, provide the following details:
- Number of Slots – Specify the number of slots needed for your program.
- Availability Start & End Dates – Enter the desired start and end dates for the availability.
- Discipline(s) and Specialization(s) – Select the relevant disciplines and specializations.
- Graduation Date – Provide the graduation date for the students.
To enhance request specificity and align with site requirements, the request form may include additional fields. These fields may vary depending on site-specific needs:
- Exact Hours: The number of hours students will dedicate to community benefit at the site.
- Rotation Number: Reflects the students' level of experience.
- Semester: The current academic semester of the students.
- Shifts: Specifies the session or time period within a day.
- Specific Shift Timings: Defines the available time slots for different days of the week.
- Location Unit: Identifies the specific unit within the location, if multiple units exist.
- Preceptor Name: Allows you to indicate your preferred preceptor for the availability.
- Shift timings: Enables you to specify preferred time slots for specific days of the week.
- Days of the week: Allows you to indicate your preferred days of the week for the schedule.
You can include a note to the site in the “Message to Site” section.
Note: You can send a message to the site even without requesting slots.
You have the option to include student details to help the site make a more informed decision.
- Click on “Include Student Details” to open a drawer where you can enter the student’s information: First Name, Last Name, and Email.
- Use the “Add Student” button to add multiple students
- Additionally, you can utilize the "Select PRISM Student" dropdown menu to choose a student from the list of students imported from Exxat PRISM. The selected student's first name, last name, and email address will be automatically populated in the corresponding fields.
- Once all student details are entered, click “Save”.
- Finally, click “Apply” to submit the request.
For availabilities with a group experience type, you can also include faculty details (First Name, Last Name, and Email) in your request.
Creating Multiple Requests
On the Explore and Apply screen, you can raise slot requests for available opportunities.
For first-time users, a new request requires the following details:
- Number of Slots – Specify how many slots you need.
- Start and End Dates – Provide the availability start and end dates.
- Discipline and Specialization – Select the relevant options.
- Graduation Date – Enter the graduation date of the students.
- Student Details – Provide student information (e.g., First Name, Last Name, Email).
To enhance request specificity and align with site requirements, the request form may include additional fields. These fields may vary depending on site-specific needs:
- Exact Hours: The number of hours students will dedicate to community benefit at the site.
- Rotation Number: Reflects the students' level of experience.
- Semester: The current academic semester of the students.
- Shifts: Specifies the session or time period within a day.
- Specific Shift Timings: Defines the available time slots for different days of the week.
- Location Unit: Identifies the specific unit within the location, if multiple units exist.
- Preceptor Name: Allows you to indicate your preferred preceptor for the availability.
- Shift timings: Enables you to specify preferred time slots for specific days of the week.
- Days of the week: Allows you to indicate your preferred days of the week for the schedule.
If you need to request additional slots for the same availability, click “Create New Request” and provide the same details for the new request. You can also view the details of any previous requests directly on this page.
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Viewing and Tracking All the Requests
After submitting your application, you can reopen it to review or make edits, as long as the site has not yet taken action on it.
For Applications in “Request Pending” Status:
By clicking on the availability listing, you can:
View Request Details: See all information related to the availability, including the number of slots requested, messages sent, and shared student details.
- Edit Your Application: Update the relevant fields and click Update Slot Details to resubmit your changes.
- Revoke Your Request: Cancel the application by clicking Revoke Slots.
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Requesting Summary
After submitting slot requests, you can view and monitor their progress by navigating to the View & Track section in the Action Panel. This section provides critical details for each availability, including:
- Availability Details: Information such as Site Name, Location Name, and Discipline/Specialization.
- Requested Duration: The date range for which slots were requested.
- Number of Slots Requested: The total number of slots submitted in the request.
- Number of Confirmed Slots: The total number of slots approved by the site.
- Date of Request: The date on which the slot request was submitted.
Slot Request Status: The current stage of the request in its lifecycle, categorized as:
- Request Pending: The site has not yet acted on the request.
- Approved: The site has reviewed the request and allotted slots. (Note: Once approved, the request can no longer be edited.)
- Review in Progress: The site is currently reviewing the request, and a final decision is awaited.
- Declined: The site has reviewed the request but has not allotted any slots. (For declined requests, the reason for rejection will be displayed if provided by the site.)
- Cancelled: The request was revoked by you.
Note: You may use filters (Duration, Discipline, Site Name and Status) to trim the view as needed.
You can easily sort your slot requests by Requested Slots, Date of Request, and Confirmed Slots columns for better organization and analysis. Here’s how:
Sort by Requested Slots:
Click the arrow icon next to the Requested Slots column header to arrange requests in:
- Ascending order (fewer to more requested slots).
- Descending order (more to fewer requested slots).
- Default order (no specific sorting).
Sort by Date of Request:
Click the arrow icon next to the Date of Request column header to arrange requests in:- Oldest to newest.
- Newest to oldest.
- Default order (no specific sorting).
Sort by Confirmed Slots:
Click the arrow icon next to the Confirmed Slots column header to arrange requests in:- Ascending order (fewer to more confirmed slots).
- Descending order (more to fewer confirmed slots).
- Default order (no specific sorting).
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Viewing and Editing Slot Requests
You can edit slot requests at any time if they are in Request Pending or Review in Progress status. In these cases, a pencil icon will appear next to the request, indicating it is editable.
If the request is in Approved or Declined status, the pencil icon will be replaced by a document icon, signifying that the request can only be viewed, not edited.
By clicking the pencil or eye icon, a detailed view of the availability and the corresponding slot request will be revealed in a drawer. This comprehensive view provides you with the following information:
- Availability Name, Associated discipline/specializations, Location Name, Units, Date Range, Shifts, Due Date, Program, Student year and Experience Type.
- Additional details such as onboarding requirements for the availability.
Manage Slot Requests:
- Review the number of slots requested and the student details provided for the availability within the "Request Details" section. This section also displays all the request fields completed during the initial request submission.
- If the request is in Request Pending or Review in Progress, you can edit the number of slots requested, other request fields and update the student details as well.
Click on Update slot details to update the changes made to the request.
Revoke Slot Requests:
- If necessary, you can withdraw your application by revoking the slot request. To do so, simply click on 'Revoke Slots,' and your request will be cancelled.
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Sending messages to Sites
You can engage in chat-based conversations with the site directly within the context of your slot request. This allows you to clarify questions or share updates as needed, ensuring seamless communication.
To send a message, click the Message icon next to the slot request, type your message in the text box, and click Send.
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Schedules and Onboarding
Tracking Schedules
You can monitor all schedules confirmed by different sites through the Schedules and Onboarding panel in the left action menu. Key details for each schedule are displayed, including:
- Availability Name: Displays the name of the availability associated with the schedule.
Student Details: This column provides information based on the scheduling status:
- When the student is scheduled: The student’s name is displayed for easy reference.
- When the student is not scheduled: A Schedule Student button appears, prompting you to take the necessary action.
Here’s a breakdown of the key schedule details you can view and manage in the Schedules and Onboarding panel:
- Site Name: Displays the site where the schedule is confirmed.
- Preceptor Name: Shows the name of the preceptor assigned to the schedule.
- Location Name: Indicates the location where the schedule is confirmed.
- Unit Name: Indicates the associated unit of the location.
- Duration: Represents the schedule duration. While it may match the requested duration, the site can modify it based on preceptor availability, unit capacity, or other factors.
Status: Reflects the current status of the schedule:
- To Be Scheduled: Indicates the slot is approved, but no student was included in the original request or has yet to be assigned.
- Not Confirmed: Indicates a student has been assigned but the schedule has not yet been finalized.
- Confirmed: Indicates the schedule is finalized and the student is confirmed.
- Non-Compliant: Indicates onboarding requirements are incomplete or unapproved.
- Compliant: Indicates all onboarding requirements are fulfilled and approved, finalizing the schedule.
Important Notes:
These fields are non-editable for school users. However, you can contact site partners using the messaging feature for updates or confirmation regarding location, discipline, or duration.
Group Schedules:
If you’ve applied for and received approved slots for group schedules, a Group tab will appear alongside the Individual tab in the Schedules and Onboarding screen.
- Clicking the Group tab allows you to view schedules for group availabilities.
- In the Group schedule grid, you can expand the availability name dropdown to display the list of students approved for the schedule.
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Scheduling Students
Follow these steps to assign a student to a schedule:
Schedule a Student:
- Click on the Schedule Student button next to the schedule.
A drawer will open, where you can:
- Select a student from the dropdown menu within the 'Scheduled Student' section. This dropdown menu displays a list of all your students imported from Exxat Prism. You can also search for specific students by name within the dropdown menu.
If the student does not appear in the drop-down menu, click on “Add a New Student,” enter the student’s details (First Name, Last Name, and Email ID), and then click “Add Now.”
- Select a student from the dropdown menu within the 'Scheduled Student' section. This dropdown menu displays a list of all your students imported from Exxat Prism. You can also search for specific students by name within the dropdown menu.
Confirm the Student:
After scheduling a student, confirm their placement by selecting the checkbox next to the respective schedule and clicking the Confirm button.
After scheduling a student, confirm their placement by selecting the checkbox next to the respective schedule and clicking the Confirm button.
Edit Student Details:
- You can edit the student’s first and last name at any time during the schedule.
- The student’s email address can be edited until the schedule is confirmed.
Replace a Student:
- Replace the assigned student with another from the pre-populated dropdown list or add a new student to the schedule.
Remove a Student:
- You can remove a scheduled student and assign a different student if needed.
- You can remove a scheduled student and assign a different student if needed.
Note: You can replace or remove a student from the schedule until the student begins fulfilling the onboarding requirements.
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Tracking Student Onboarding
Once a student is confirmed on a schedule, they will receive an invitation email to join the platform, view their confirmed schedules, and begin fulfilling onboarding requirements.
You can track the student’s onboarding progress from the Schedules and Onboarding screen:
Access Onboarding Details:
- Click on the status of the confirmed schedule in the Status column.
- Note: Only the statuses Confirmed, Non-Compliant, and Compliant are clickable.
- Click on the status of the confirmed schedule in the Status column.
View Onboarding Progress:
- This will display the onboarding requirements for the schedule and the student’s progress for each requirement.
- Each requirement’s status can be one of the following:
- Get Started: The student has not yet begun fulfilling the requirement and needs to take action.
- In Progress: The student has started completing the requirement and saved it as a draft.
- Pending Review: The student has submitted the requirement, which is awaiting review by the Onboarding Review Team.
- Approved: The requirement has been reviewed and approved.
- Not Approved: The requirement submission has been reviewed but was rejected.
- Expired: An approved certification or vaccination has passed its expiration date.
- This will display the onboarding requirements for the schedule and the student’s progress for each requirement.
Note: If necessary, you can also submit an onboarding requirement on behalf of the student.
Communicating with Sites and Students
You can engage in chat-based conversations with both the site and your student directly within the context of a schedule. This allows you to clarify questions, share updates, and streamline communication as needed.
Key Features:
- Message History: View the communication history, including past interactions between the site and the school, associated with the specific schedule.
Accessing Messages:
- Navigate to the Schedules and Onboarding page.
- Click on the Schedule Student or Edit button.
- Look for the Messages Received During Track Requests section to access and review messages.
Configuration-Seamless Switch between campuses or programs
As a school administrator, if you manage multiple campuses or programs, you can easily switch between them using the User Settings on the landing page. This feature allows for efficient navigation and management across different campuses or programs without interruptions.
Help Guides and Releases
Access all help documents related to Exxat One by clicking the Question Mark icon on the static upper bar. This section also includes the latest release notes for your reference.
You can access all newly released features by clicking the Megaphone icon on the static upper bar. This will take you to the Help Center, where you can view the release notes.
For instant help with product-related queries, you can use the AI chatbot, Leo. Simply click the “Ask Leo” button on the upper bar to open the chat panel. You can then ask your questions, and Leo will assist you with the answers.
Following a response from Leo, you will be presented with the prompt 'Was this helpful?' accompanied by thumbs-up and thumbs-down icons. You can provide immediate feedback on Leo's responses by clicking the thumbs-up or thumbs-down icon to indicate your level of satisfaction.
In-App notifications
Stay updated with notifications regarding site updates or messages directly within the app. You’ll receive notifications for the following events:
- A message sent by a site.
- Changes made to an internship where you’ve applied or received slots.
- Approval or decline of a slot request by the site.
- Cancellation of an assignment by the site.
- Modifications to approved slots.
- Updates to an assignment by the site.
- You will receive notifications about student-related activities and updates for the following events:
- A student begins fulfilling onboarding requirements.
- A student submits all onboarding requirements.
- A student’s onboarding requirements are not approved.
- A student becomes compliant for a schedule.
- A site replaces or removes a student from a schedule.
How to View Notifications:
Access the Notification Center:
- Click on the Notification Badge icon at the top right of the screen to open the notification center.
- The badge indicates new notifications, and new messages or updates will pop up here.
View Notifications by Category:
Notifications are displayed in the order of latest to oldest and organized into three sections:- All: Displays all notifications, including messages and updates.
- All Messages: Displays only messages sent by the site during slot requests or scheduling.
All Updates: Displays updates such as approvals, declines, cancellations, or changes to schedules.
Interact with Notifications:
- Click on a notification to navigate directly to the relevant action panel to view the update or message.
- Unread notifications are marked with a blue dot and have a Mark as Read option.
Clicking Mark as Read removes the blue dot and replaces the option with Mark as Unread to change the status back.
Manage Notifications:
- Click Mark All Read at the top to mark all notifications as read.
Use the Unread Only toggle to display only unread notifications.
Notification Configuration
This feature allows you to personalize your notifications, ensuring you receive updates that are most relevant to you
Customize your notification preferences with ease:
- Access Notification Settings:
Click the Settings icon in the top right corner of the notification center to open the Notification Configuration screen.
Click the Settings icon in the top right corner of the notification center to open the Notification Configuration screen.
Customize Notifications:
- View the list of events that trigger notifications.
- Select the specific events you want to be notified about.
Save Your Preferences:
- Click Save Now to apply and save your configuration settings.
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Enabled in-app Notifications from Browser
- Click on the settings icon at the top left corner of the URL bar.
- Ensure that in-app notifications are set to "Allowed".
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